The primary advantages of modular construction methods are faster delivery of consistent high quality buildings and significantly reduced overall project costs.
Our Advantages
If you're looking for an alternative to traditional construction methods, look no further than modular construction. Our modular buildings are built in a controlled factory environment using the latest building techniques and materials. They are delivered to your site quickly and efficiently, and can be customized to your specific needs. Experience the benefits of modular construction and see why it is the future of building.
Modular construction is a modern and efficient alternative to traditional construction methods. With its streamlined process and ability to reduce construction time and costs, modular construction is becoming increasingly popular in the industry. Whether you're building a residential or commercial project, modular construction can provide a high-quality and sustainable solution.
Up to 35 - 45% decrease in build-periods for relatively simple projects
Up to 30 - 35% decrease in build-periods for more complex schemes
Up to 20 - 25% savings on total construction costs through the use of modular construction and reduced build periods
Additional client revenues of up to 4 - 6% of project costs from early delivery through to market
Cost saving identified at the concept design stage
Reduced construction program, reduced financing costs
Improved cash flow
35 – 45% decrease in build periods for relatively simple projects
30 – 35% decrease in build periods for more complex schemes
Earlier sale or rental income
Reduced snagging costs
Fixed price compliance
Geometric flexibility and accuracy
Bespoke design that encourages character
Architect-friendly approach
Suitable for wide range of high-rise, mixed use and luxury accommodation
Very high quality finishes
Reduced defects and snagging
Improved health and comfort
High customer satisfaction
Proven, low-risk construction techniques
Inhouse engineering support
Safer, ultra-efficient build
Reduced accident on site
Better sequencing of trades
Meets and often exceeds all current Building Regulations
True turn-key solutions – project management, manufacturing, and construction services
Reduced emissions from construction vehicles
Reduced waste
Reduced energy used on site
Built-in high thermal performance
Reduced operational energy
Excellent airtightness
Predictable performance
Much reduced ‘performance gap’ issues
From Building Regulations to Zero Carbon and Passivhaus standard